søndag 4. mars 2012

Shaquille O'Neal updates, will he appear at Wrestlemania 28?

NBA-legend Shaquille O'Neal still claims he will appear at Wrestlemania 28, but since Big Show has been scheduled for at title-match against Cody Rhodes, who is O'Neal supposed to wrestle against at Wrestlemania 28?

Mark Henry seams to be leaving WWE after Wrestlemania, and since he still hasn't been scheduled for a match   at Wrestlemania yet, rumors claim he might face O'Neal at the grandest stage of them all. Insiders of WWE says that Big Show was planned to face O'Neal, but because of the fact that O'Neal leaked the news months before the deal was settled, the company decided to change their plans. If O'Neal will appear at Wrestlemania this year, he will most likely face Mark Henry, before Henry leaves the Company, or he will be involved in some type of tag-team match.

But who knows, Shaquille O'Neal might face Big Show next year at Wrestlemania 29, if he don't leak the news to early again.

Tune in for more news later this week.

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