For don't who doesn't know what a wrestling-heel are, I'l give you some facts:
- A heel-wrestler plays a role as the "evil" one in feuds, and usually a heel-wrestler likes to get the crowd against himself.
- Alberto Del Rio, Christian, Daniel Bryan, Mark Henry are the biggest heel-wrestlers at the moment!
My thoughts about Cena turning heel:
If you ask me, I don't think John Cena is going to have a heel-turn because of the fact that he majority group of fans are in the ages between 6-22 years old. Meaning that if he turns heel, he will probably lose most fans from the age 6-12 years (because they usually cheers for the top baby faces). If this happens, WWE will probably risk loosing a lot of merchandise-incomes because of the fact that Cena sells most shirts and advertisements to kids between 6-15 years old. I don't think the McMahon's have the balls to risk loosing some cash because of a heel-turn of Cena. But if you think it the other way, a heel-turn on the biggest superstar in the roster might improve the ratings on the shows, and then the McMahon's won't loose any cash on this "project".

Many would say that Cena should turn heel, so his "superhero" character will be forgotten, and his career would get a great push out of a heel turn. Cena will have more freedom, and his character can be more ruthless and aggressive! Much more fans will tune in every Monday to see what Cena is going to do next, and it might rise the popularity to company again!
What gimmick will the heel Cena have?
Cena will of course change his gimmick, if he is going to turn heel! Maybe the company will give him his old "ruthless aggression" gimmick back, but without his "gangster style". Then Cena will most likely change his outfit to something new and more "heelish".
Would I like to see Cena turn heel?
YES! I would loved it, because he needs a push if you ask me!
Please leave a comment, with you opinions! :)
Tune in for more action later this week!!*
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